Burning An Illusion

Menelik Shabazz’s pioneering and seminal first feature traces the emotional and political growth of Pat, a young black woman and her struggles in a relationship with boyfriend Del in Margaret Thatcher’s racialised London.
Whilst Pat searches for security in her life and hopes to achieve it through marriage; the false arrest and merciless beating of her boyfriend Del (Victor Romero Evans) by the police forces forces a political awakening and a turning point in both their lives.
(This is the first black Britsh feature film featuring a female lead)
Restored and now in full 2K HD
Watch 'Burning An Illusion' as never seen before!
UK |
1981 |
105 mins
Menelik ShabbazzStarring
Victor Romeo Evans, Cassie McFarlane, Corinne Skinner-Carter, Trevor Laird, Angela Wynter, Malcolm Frederick, Chris TummingsLanguages


An interesting dive into the lives of Afro-Caribbean Londoners in the early 80's. Having them speak in Jamaican Patois gives it some authenticity and realism. You can't understand everything they're saying, but you still know what's going on. The acting is great and though the story is basic, it is still a decent movie to watch when you're bored.
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