Season 1: Craig Ross Jr. Monogamy is an intriguing ensemble drama series about four couples from all over America who are selected to travel to Los Angeles to to set up in temporary homes and undergo a controversial new type of special 'couples therapy' treatment called 'Swap Therapy', which has been mysteriously designed by hidden parties who control and guide actions, feelings and emotions behind the scenes reportedly to help couples salvage and repair their broken marriages.
Episodes: 1-6
USA | 2018 | 30-40 mins
Craig Ross JrStarring
Blue Kimble, Brian White, Caryn Ward Ross, Chrystee Pharris, Darius McCrary, Jill Marie Jones, Vanessa Simmons, Wesley JonathanWriters
Tamika Lamison, Cleve Lamison, Kelvin Foster, Shannan E. Johnson, Caryn Ward Ross & Craig Ross Jr.Producers
Craig Ross Jr., Jill Marie Jones, Matthew Helderman.Languages
S1, Ep1: To Thine Own Self
We meet our four couples. Each couple is dealing with issues that are tearing their marriage apart. They embark on a social test called The Experiment and are promised a chance at healing their marriages but have no idea what to expect. Arriving: Fri 29th Sept 2023
S1, Ep2: Out of the Frying Pan
Each couple meets their new spouse. Tension all around as each person brings a different level of openness insecurity and vulnerability to the process.
S1, Ep3: Let Your Hands Go (05.01.24)
Now fully immersed into the experiment, the couples try to make the most of the process but the deeper they go the more their traditional values and the vows they took with their original spouses, conflict.
S1, Ep4: Truth or Consequences (12.01.24)
Things begin to heat up for the participants, as they realize they were paired with the person who can give them exactly what they need at this point in their lives. The original matrimonial lines blur even further.
S1, Ep5: Love's Me, Love's Me Not (19.01.24)
It's the Final Day of the Experiment with the new spouses. Time for the participants to leave it on all on the table before going back to their original spouses.
S1, Ep6: Decisions (26.01.24)
After having the ultimate experience with their experimental significant other, the participants return home to an awkward reunion with their original spouses, and all must decide if they are going to stay together or not.
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